Amateur photographers

We are looking for you

Are you as passionate about the Algarve as we are? Love taking photos? Then we invite you to participate in this initiative to show the Algarve through the eyes of a local resident. Help us show the real beauty that makes our visitors fall in love at first sight


Fill in the form to participate in this initiative and show the Algarve the way only you know

Term and Conditions

By accepting to participate in this initiative promoted by Gabi Miguel Lda you agree with the following Terms and Conditions.

A contract is accepted between the person who provides the photo(s) being designated as “user” and Gabi Miguel Lda Being designated as “GM” and both parties commit to the following:

1. User

1.1. The user provides your photo(s) and, by doing so, permits GM to post it online on its site and/or social media and any media that helps to promote the initiative.
1.2. The user recognizes that will receive no compensation, financial or in any other matter other than the caption recognises you as the author.
1.3. The user hands over the rights to GM the rights to publish the photos without further compensation.
1.4. Any legal matter corresponding to the photos is entirely liable to the person who sent them. When you upload it, the user recognizes being the legitimate owner of the photo and of its legal rights.

2. GM

2.1. GM commits to protect the rights of the photos provided by the user in the best way possible taking into consideration the informatic limitations and do not is liable to legal sanctions in case of any security breach on its website and/or malicious behaviour of other users
2.2. GM will not use those photos to other ends other than the ones in section 1.1 without further notice.
2.3. GM reinforces that the usage of the content contained in this webpage, without prior authorization, in its partial or total form, is prohibited and may cause legal actions against the perpetrators.


This website and its content are Gabi Miguel Lda © property and its partial o total copy is prohibited.

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