Praia dos Salgados

When you go on vacation, in addition to booking your plane ticket and choosing your accommodation, knowing the destination is very important. Making the wrong choices can ruin your planning and, therefore, Gabi MIguel decided to bring you weekly beach tips so you can get to know them a little more and make the best decision regarding your vacation. This week, we will tell you about Praia dos Salgados.

The beach appears in the continuation of the Praia Grande sand, to the east of the Salgados lagoon, a wetland that forms in the terminal section of the Espiche river.

To get to the beach, go through the tourist development associated with the golf course that runs alongside the lagoon, going down an avenue lined with tall palm trees.

The area surrounding the beach remains in a natural state: to the west, you can see the robust dunes of Praia Grande and the lagoon’s water mirror bordered by dense vegetation and where you can see mainly coots and, in winter, cormorants fishing; To the east, the dune fields dominate, more modest in height, but equally rich in flora and fauna.

The sand is wide and has quiet stretches; an extensive network of walkways rises over the mouth of the river and over the dunes, providing long walks both to the west, crossing the Salgados lagoon, and to the east, to Galé.

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Key words: Albufeira, Galé, Salgados
